(1) Red 635nm
High-energy red light with strong penetration is applicable to anti-inflammation, ease pain, stop tissue fluid on wounded surfaces, accelerate wound healing, increase cell enzyme activity, improve ion metabolism, reduce muscular tension, relieve muscle spasms and prevent cardiovascular diseases and cytometaplasia.
(2) Yellow 590nm
Yellow light is able to remove freckles, desensitization, inhibit pigmentation, and accelerate wound and ulcer recovery. While it is promoting adrenaline secretion, it is improving the immunity as well. Medically, adrenaline can stimulate the heart when it stopped or dilate the trachea for asthma.
(3) Blue 415nm
Blue light can promote protein and collagen synthesis, which is suitable for curing infant jaundice, allergic, oily, and acne skin, inhibiting bacillus, activating and tightening skin and stretch marks, relaxing nerves, relieving pain, reducing excess erythrocytes, eliminating tissue hyperemia and improving lymphatic system.
(4) Purple 308nm
It stimulates the secretion system and smooth lymph, its function is weaker than red light but can repair skin and mucosa ulcers and acne.
(5) Green 560nm
It is with relaxing and calming functions and has obvious analgesia and sedation effect on sensory nerves. It calms nerve and help to fall asleep, eliminate depression, heal wrinkle, blackhead, acne, and disorder metabolism resulting from fatigue and nervousness.
(6) Orange light: 610nm
Orange light can promote blood circulation, accelerate metabolism, improve thyroid function, lower cerebrovascular and coronary artery sclerosis degree, increase appetite, cure emaciation, and anemia and apply to common heart diseases especially weak heartbeat. Use with a blue light when healing chronic heart disease and palpitation.
Calcium supplement light (can use alone, can use with other lights at the same time)
After irradiating human skin and by photochemical effect, the light can accelerate the 7-dehydrocholesterol of the skin transforming to cholecalciferol and further improving the metabolic balance of calcium and phosphorus ion in order to increase bone density, cure osteoporosis, c
hondropathy, and dysplasia and prevent cardiovascular, endocrine and immune system complications caused by disorder metabolism.